Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hungarian Food Recipes

The Republic of Hungary is a Central European country. The country is located in the Carpathian Basin, the Danube (Duna) runs through the capital, Budapest. The area has been inhabited Hungary today, since ancient times, including a Celtic period (from about 450 BC) and Roman times (9 BC to the 4th century AD). The modern nation of Hungary takes its roots to the late 9th century, when Magyar chiefs founded, eventually leading to the KingdomHungary. After the Second World War, the country has a communist republic, but since 1989 Hungary a democratic parliamentary republic. Hungary is now a resort and is internationally renowned for the beauty of the capital Budapest, the country's unique language, known for its cuisine and interesting.

Many Hungarian dishes using sour cream and eggs and to be fair, so that courts have some common features with recipes from Hungary Central European neighbors.One of the things that are not, however, make Hungarian dishes, is the widespread use of pepper flavor to many dishes.

Perhaps the most famous Hungarian cuisine is goulash (in Hungary as "Gulyás" or "Gulyásleves") is known, but it is quite different from what many foreigners believe that the shell should be. If you've ever eaten American goulash with hamburger, you will certainly find the Hungarian version of an interesting change! Hungarian Goulash is actually like a preparedSoup, traditionally in a cauldron. Beef (usually) shoulder, shin or shank, spiced and seasoned with peppers, fried in a pan and then add chopped onions. Stock or water is then added to make the soup that is cooked slowly for a long time. The smoldering in collagen in the meat in gelatin, which makes the soup very thick. Some cooks may add a small amount of tomatoes, peppers, maybe cut potatoes and herbs, or vinegar as well.

As you can imagine,there are many other interesting Hungarian dishes, including soups, main dishes and desserts. Of course I could not hope to imagine them all in a short article, it is my suggestion, why not try some Hungarian dishes - otherwise you never know how much you can enjoy it!

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