Monday, November 30, 2009

Sweet flower pancakes ("hwajeon")

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Focaccia bread at La Focaccia Italian Bistro, 8975 S. Eastern Ave, LV 89123

Of course played a big role. At one point, I decided to go back to school, so I ventured into the dining room. My food knowledge, enthusiasm, and now training in the hospitality industry has helped me move quickly through the ranks. I soon became the general manager of Tutto Mare (everything from the sea) in San Diego with 400 seats, a fine Italian sea-food restaurant. Then Prego Ristorante, 350 seats in Irvine CA. Now, I had management experience, Italian food and fresh ...

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Southern Living Comfort Food - A Delicious Trip Down Memory Lane

What is the first thing to mind when one asks what is your favorite comfort food come from? Mine baked macaroni and cheese, which is just a little bit crunchy.

I love to eat, so that when the book Living Southern Comfort food at my desk, I just had to check it out. After skimming the index, I read the foreword, which is almost as good as the recipes!

Most of the 150 comfort food recipes are accompanied by fullPage color photos. Illustrations or photos are especially helpful for cooks like me who are curious about the final presentation.

The book includes: comfort food classics, breakfast anytime, fresh from the garden, & beyond casseroles, soups and stews, desserts, and holidays and special occasions.

My favorite comfort food, macaroni and cheese, is the first recipe in comfort food classics. Macaroni and cheese gets a whole new meaning with theThree-cheese pasta bake. This recipe is my favorite followed by more, including Gonzales, Meat Loaf, Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes Garlic, Lemon-Garlic Roast Chicken with sauteed green beans, "The Perfect Burger, French Fries, Chicken Pot Pie, Classic BBQ Ribs, Fried Chicken, steak, pork chops, cabbage and apples, and Mama's Fried Chicken.

Farmers Market Scramble, pimento cheese, biscuits, hash brown casserole, buttermilk 'n' Honey Pancakes, cinnamon-raisin rolls, wafflesBenedict and Caramel-Nut Pull-Apart Bread are just a few of the recipes featured in breakfast at any time.

Fresh from the garden are as mouth-watering recipes as Homemade Applesauce, Corn Pudding, Crunch Fried Okra, Summer Squash Casserole and Fried Green Tomatoes.

You will be the hit of the party at your arrival with one of the dishes in casseroles & beyond. My favorites are chicken-and-rice casserole, scalloped potatoes with ham, Saucy, Manicotti,Taco Casserole, and twice-baked potatoes. A new approach to comfort food to go!

Sops & Stews are two flavors of chicken soup: Chicken and Wild Rice Soup and Chicken Noodle Soup. Recipe for "Baked" Potato Soup, Black Bean Soup, 30 - minute chili and Easy Brunswick Stew are among the featured soups and stews.

Memories are made of the Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies Giant Oatmeal Cookies, Double Chocolate Brownies, Mississippi Mud,Million-Dollar Pound Cake, Banana Pound Cake and Peanut Butter Pie. These are just one example of the mouth-watering recipes in desserts.

Thin Holiday Ham, Birthday Cake, Root Bear Baked Beans, Popcorn Balls, Roast Turkey and gravy, cornbread dressing, Pumpkin Chess Pie Peanut Butter Fudge, Mrs. Floyd's Divinity, and Walter's Pecan Pie, and you have a recipe for almost any the Holiday & special occasions.

You will find this book at your local public library, but youYou may want to spend $ 29.95 and buy it at the local bookstore. I think it is worth the investment.

286 pages

Oxmoor House

ISBN 9780848732660

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Grill Smoked Bacon Sandwiches Recipe by the BBQ Pit Boys

American-style bacon, smoked slowly on the grill, makes for a great bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich to eat! And it is really easy to make, as shown by the BBQ Pit Boys.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bread Flip (221): Jacques Pépin: More Fast Food My Way

Minutes Recipe: Glazed Sausage Bits. If Jacques discovered a new bread at a local restaurant, he can not resist putting his own version. The result is the first court in the show, Tibetan Flatbread. The bread is cooked in a pan, and Claudine holds its breath as it works by Jacques seven minutes. Next Jacques shows that he is not throw broccoli. In fact, the stalks are his favorite part of the vegetables and also the main ingredient in his risotto with broccoli stems ...

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Langoustine in a piquante tomato sauce recipe - Floyd Cooks - BBC

Chef Keith Floyd is preparing a delicious recipe Lagoustine and tomatoes, and a shell, steamed mussels and spinach gratin in this classic video from BBC cooking show "Floyd on Fish '. More about Lobster:

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Romantic Food Recipes Ideas - Romantic Evenings at Home

I wanted to write about the conclusions I came to after my many years of observation of the relationship between a man and a woman. How is this related to the more ideas for cooking romantic dinner recipes for a romantic evening at home? Open the chair, and you'll be the judge.

Since early in the life of man, nature Designer sends a message: Take all women can. It is not fathers, older brothers, uncles, or society. Nature's designer needs to use the powerfulIngredients into a compelling cocktail:

* A sex drive.
* Deep-rooted instincts recognized as women.
* All of them driven by the powerful testosterone.

A man can neither control nor the nature of the Cocktail will change its course, because a piece of paper stating that a man is married. A man will always be a man and women should not be forced to change the nature of their habits, even if they do not like the fashion. There are good reasons exist for designer's nature's way.

Here is myCall for you to get real, ladies.

Should women give men a relationship that is beginning is old, boring and tasteless, everything he has to do almost instinctively, what the nature Designer imposed trade him. Especially if a lot of women say fervently wave a flag, "I am the same man, independent and free" and in this process they get involved and have sex with boys, regardless of their marital status. In the spirit of these women, they achieved equality and freedom.

TheIt is encouraging that nature created designer means to take a break on his own cocktail: Added conscience. What creates a moral obligation, a person is not a piece of paper called the Marriage License. It's coming home to find a woman to prepare for the ideas about cooking romantic dinner recipes. Klug took advantage of it's recipes for a romantic evening at home.

A woman was just a man a message: how far it is prepared for his love go.

I am an ardent supporter of the search of romanceTo create food recipes ideas, the events that get etched in his heart. If a woman reacting to their ideas when cooking romantic dinner recipes, it is required to make memorable events, feelings for his wife created to get strengthen. In this process, the woman has the ability to turn a romantic dinner recipe ideas in the bomb shell of nutrients to feed his and her health and keep his masculinity.

I learned to take advantage of wonderful opportunitieswhen cooking romantic food recipes ideas. You open the doors into a fabulous, romantic evenings at home, and when women do it consistently to improve these evenings, their relationships, and romantic movies is the norm rather than "Yes ... it happens sometimes."

The purpose of this article is to make the real women "to be reserved for men in love and not out to women, romantic encounters with other women. It's for women who sing about the way, a fact addressedRelationship should be, if nature does not sing designer. Consequently, women can put reality on its head, or pretend that their relationship will be safe forever.

Fortunately, there is a wonderful tool on the side wives, "and that's when ideas about cooking romantic dinner recipes, and they make romantic lure evenings at home.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Philipino Stir Fry Veggies And Beef- PANCIT وصفة خضار فليبينية

For more information about the recipe, check out ... وصفة خضار فليبينية مع شرائح اللحم-Filipino Beef Stir Fry Vegetarian Food delicious recipe cooking PANCIT

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Re: How to Eat a Chicken Wing

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

THAI FOOD basil chicken fried rice for more Thai cooking video recipes. In this episode Dim and Cathy Geefay cook Thai basil chicken fried rice. Thai recipes, ingredients, Thai, Thai cooking instructions included

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Bacon Sweet Cornbread Recipe by the BBQ Pit Boys

Serving until cornbread is a must in any barbecue, but this old-time sweet cornbread, which is filled with fresh bacon will bring tears to the eyes, a grown man. And it is really easy to make, as shown by the BBQ Pit Boys.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Special Food Recipes


This is the recipe I make a couple of times a week for my husband as well as others who may choose to participate in our special foods diet.
½ cup sugar;

1 ¾ cup flour;

1 tablespoon of stevia;

¾ cup cocoa with no files Pure - Pure Hershey's and other pure cocoa;

1 1 / 2 tspns baking powder;

1 1 / 2 tspns baking powder;

1 teaspoon salt;

1 / 8 - ¼ cup ground with 1 cup hot water mixed flax;

1 cup water or so;

½Cup extra virgin olive oil;

1-2 tspns vanilla extract or almond extract;

Bake at 350 degrees about 30 minutes.

I cut the amount of sugar has to add this recipe stevia as well as regular sugar. The flour can be white, and white wheat or ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ or rye and tapioca, sorghum, or any number of meal combinations. Gluten and allergies are growing daily and people have now more than ever before, began to observe what made cake flour or bread. Other floursother than white and wheat more time to bake so the baking time is longer for other types of flour, and they have to bake at a lower temperature, because they tend to slightly brown. 325 instead of 350 would be better if you use a gluten free flour and watch the cake carefully for browning. Keep your powder is a good, close air-free container. We are not a gluten free family, but for those who have these tips are worth noting, as I have tried recipes with bean and sorghumFlour. I can also tell you to write down the recipe, if it is successfully tested and it is to your liking. Do not give up if they make the first fails. This type of cooking is trial and error and do not be discouraged.

I add all the dry ingredients, and now we come to the flax or egg substitute. Flax is very sticky when filled with hot water and we want the cohesion of our ingredients. We'll take a cup of hot water to 1 / 8 or ¼ cup of flax. I microwave ittogether and stir well. This is very "sticky" deformed and good for our ingredients. Remember, eggs very light, but our cake is not so easy to be like pancakes. Our cake is more dense. Just like the dark bread or German or Czech bread is dense and difficult to line the stomach, they more so than white light flour bread. Can with flour, but the cake does not fall apart like the other flours. Together with our flat we are our own olive oil, extract and more water until theConsistency. You can cake a cake or a hard thin liquid batter. I make big muffins baked at about 350 degrees for about 30 minutes.


1 ½ cups powdered sugar

1-2 Tbspns Stevia

2 / 3 cup Hershey's Pure Cocoa and other pure

¼ - ½ cup extra virgin olive oil

¼ / - ½ cup water

1-2 tspns of vanilla or almond extract

When a recipe says milk I replace the water. For people who are not allergic can use rice milk, soyMilk, etc. There are however, many, many substitutes for eggs. Did you know?

Knox Original Gelatin substitute for eggs?

Ground flax seeds with hot water?

Whipped cream can substitute tofu for eggs.

¼ cup tofu = 1 egg;

1 package of Knox + 1 cup boiling water 3TBSPS = 1 egg;

You can freeze (and unthaw how to cook / bake)

Pureed fruit can be substituted for oils and butter, but be careful cooking time, etc.;

½ cup mashed banana for aEgg;

¼ cup applesauce or pureed fruit = one egg;

1 TBSPN flaxseed + 3 TBSPN water - boil the mixture for 2-3 minutes l0 minutes = one egg;

1 teaspoon soy flour plus 1 tbsp water = 1 egg;

) Mashed beans, mashed potatoes, or nut butters (with a little water can be substituted for eggs;

A popular substitute for eggs is energy)-G (calcium lactate, calcium carbonate, potato starch, tapioca flour, calcium carbonate and citric acid;

Healthy PsylliumPeel mixed with l / 4 cup water = 1 egg (psyllium - Stomach lines very gelatinous);

Soy lecithin and water = 1 egg;

Tapioca starch can be used instead of the Ener-G;

2 tspns baking powder + 2 tspns water = 1 egg /

Here is a list of "hidden" words for milk in our food:

Casein, whey, caseinate, calcium caseinate, acidophilus, hydrolyzed milk protein, lactalbumin, lactate, lacto-globulin, lactose and potassium.

Here is a list of"Hidden" words for eggs in our food:

Ovamucin albumin Livetin, ovaglubin ovalbumin, ovumucoid, ovovitellin, lysozyme, or albumin, egg yolk, egg solids or egg powder.

Xanthan gum seems to be indispensable when it comes to cooking / baking without wheat or gluten. There will be processed by bacteria in the corn sugar, and it gives structure and texture to baked goods and it is a good thickening agent.

However, I've also read about this product to the intestine or stomach.
DidYou know, 1 ½ cups flax seeds ½ cup butter =?

For people who have allergies to flour, it would be prudent to make a flour mixture and keeps it in a container and use the mixture as a substitute for 1-1 cups for each recipe.


Tofu is a mild flavor compressed soy product, remember when cooking or baking with tofu, spicy meals. It has the tendency to adopt what it is, with so you must assume your recipe accordingly spice seasoning and tofu is cooked. ForFor example, when making chili tofu instead of meat, chili, add
Tofu instead of meat, but put in more chili spices, and longer than you would normally cook.
Tofu Cheesecake

1 ¼ cups graham crackers crushed into crumbs

3TBS sugar or stevia

¼ cup butter, margarine, extra virgin olive oil, or substitute for fats Up

2 16oz. Of tofu

3 Tbspn lemon juice

1-2 Tbspn vanilla

½ tspn salt, if you want it

½ cup oil orSubstitutes above

½ cup honey

1 cup sugar 5 tablespoons of Stevia

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Mix graham crackers, sugar and butter together until well mixed.

Push pan in a 9-inch springform pan. Bake 8-l0 minutes, until firm.

Allow to cool. Blend tofu and other ingredients in a blender or food

Processor, until smooth and creamy. Pour the mixture into the baked pie
Shell. Bake 40 minutes, until justset.

If you want, you can use any fruit sauce or fresh or frozen fruit upward.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gulab Jamun

For a detailed recipe: ... Cooking dessert showmethecurry indian desi gulab jamun hetal Anuja sweet

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Lap Lao Beef

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cinco De Mayo, Carne Asada Recipe member proposes Rj Jaramillo's Fast And Easy Recipe Carne Asada ...

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sponge cake recipe- Part 2 (Gluten free, dairy free, failsafe cake, coeliac recipe) RECIPE 4 eggs, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda bi-carb 1 cup flour 3 / 4 cup sugar, a dash of vanilla extract Pre-oven to 180 degrees. Grease and flour sponge tins. Twice seven Weinstein, bi-carb soda and cornflour. Separate egg yolks. Beat egg whites until light and fluffly at high speed. Slowly pour caster in combination with the drivers in the air. Mix in vanilla and mix in egg yolks one at a time, with the mixer on medium speed. Flour...

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Diet & Nutrition : Food Recipes that Increase Your Metabolism

Every time you eat a person's metabolism a little, and one of the worst things you can do is limited to one or two meals a day. Discover the importance of eating anything within two hours after waking up with the help of a licensed dietitian / nutritionist in this free video on increasing metabolism. Expert: Heidi Kaufman Bio: Heidi Kaufman is a licensed dietician and nutritionist, and she is a certified partner for Diabetes Educators in Endocrinology, Diabetes and ...

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

3 Raw Dog Food Recipes For the Loyal Dog

When you say the words "a raw meat diet for dogs, a pet owner, which is used to give store bought commercially have their pets, dog food, there is often a shiver down the spine. This is especially true if the images caused by a dog because of a bone has been a good gag in their minds.

Well, at least that's what my cousin tells me. He said that although he read about the advantages of giving a dog raw food - usually health benefits, as less vulnerable than foreverAllergies, cancer, joint problems (yes, dogs can also arthritis), tooth / ear / eye problems, obesity, poor skin and coat, etc. - it still does not sit well with him at first. But he said that once you (to overcome the first step to say: Give your dog his first partial or complete raw food) meal, the rest is relatively easy.

To help you, here are some recipes he tried. (Actually, he has this from a friend of his, who has to feed his dog bones, vegetables and raw meat) since time immemorial.

Basic Raw Dog Food Recipe

Ingredients: half a cup of raw meat (ground poultry, lamb, chicken, offal, etc.), a half cup of pureed vegetables (choose your own vegetables), one fourth cup of whole grains, a teaspoon of bone meal powder, quarter teaspoon of ascorbic acid powder, quarter teaspoon of kelp powder, quarter teaspoon of chopped garlic and 2 teaspoons of an oil mixture (11 ounces extra virgin rapeseed oil, 2 ounces wheat germ, 2 oz. flaxseedOil - the rest you can keep for later use).

Procedures. Mix together. . Dienes

Carrots, nuts and broccoli recipe

Ingredients: 1 whole carrot (peeled and cut into bite-size bits), 4 to 6 small spears of broccoli (cut in bite-size bits), 6 peanuts.

Procedures. After washing the vegetables thoroughly and serve. This gives your dog his daily calcium, potassium, beta carotene, vitamin C is, fiber and proteins needed.

Banana and AppleRecipe

Ingredients: 1 banana, one half of an apple, cottage cheese 4 tablespoons.

Procedures. Banana peel, cut into small pieces. Remove the skin of the apple and slice into bite-sized pieces. Add cheese and mix well. . Dienes (A variation would be a raw chicken slices add to mixture.)

Raw dog food provides you with some rule for the settlement as farmers. Imagine your dog in a position to warmth, love, protection and peace now, a healthy diet, will give thehim a long and happy life. As pet owners would not want that?

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Food Allergies - Causes and Recipe Alternatives - Part 5

As we commented in earlier parts of this article there are many different types of food allergies. The "big eight" list of known allergens should not prevent to enjoy what they eat. We have a few recipes for cookies, which are suitable for the Christmas holidays, but can be seen all year long. The last cookie recipe in this series is the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies, which follows. Some ideas for other foods that can be servedprevent other allergies to follow this recipe.

Peanut diet for people with allergies to all kinds of nuts, and foods that may contain peanut protein or oil from nuts. Foods with these ingredients should be prevented for consumption if you are the people who have peanut allergy have happened. It was noted that "soy nut" the best substitute for the preparation of food that is free of peanuts. A soy nut does not belong to the "parent" family, as is the term coinedfor soya beans soaked and baked a crispy taste. There are a lot of peanut-free recipes that you can prepare. To name a few of peanut-free recipes are (1) Soy Nut Butter Cookies and (2) Tofu Pie made from soy, bananas and Nut (3) Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies


· 1 cup margarine

· 1 / 2 cup sugar

· 1 / 2 cup brown sugar

· 1 / 4 cup soft (silken) tofu

·1 / 2 tsp vanilla extract

· 1 1 / 2 cups flour

· 3 / 4 teaspoon baking powder

· 1 / 4 teaspoon salt

· 1 / 2 cup peanut butter

· 1 cup chocolate chips


Pre-oven to 400 ° C degrees.

In a large bowl, add the margarine, sugar and brown sugar mix and stir until creamy. Add the tofu and vanilla and whisk until smooth and creamy.

In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt.

Add to the mix and margarinewell combined. Add the peanut butter and mix well, then fold in chocolate chips. Cut the dough into 1-inch balls and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 5 to 8 minutes, until cookies are golden brown.

Milk-free diet is for people with a milk allergy, an allergic reaction of the immune system, if a person has consumed one or more proteins acquired from cow's milk. If you are allergic to milk, you should not consume food or beverages, milk, butter, containTypes of cheese, and sour cream. Some of the dairy-free recipes that you can prepare are: (1) potato soup is homemade, (2) Grilled salmon or shrimp, the marinated and then grilled (3) Pecan snack and (4) No Spaghetti with red sauce.

As we have seen, it should not be boring for people to eat with food allergies. It does, however, take a high degree of creativity and ingenuity, so that a person with food allergies to eat the foods that theywant with the different food substitutes. It can be done, and everything you might need some time before and prepare the delicious delicacies that do not have the person who is prone to allergies.

This article is for informational purposes only. This article is not intended to seek medical advice and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical problems. Please follow any tip in this article only after consulting your doctor. TheAuthor is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Food Recipes - What Do You Know About Polish Food Recipes?

I would like to write another culinary articles (I am very interested in this subject and I like writing about food, cooking and other aspects of this topic are linked). I want to write that I'm from Poland and I like our traditional cooking recipes. There are many opinions about it. In this article I would like to leave food recipes, opinions about them and maybe I'll give you some examples of traditional Polish dishes. Read this article on the End, and maybe you will find some interesting information in it.

In this part of the article I would like some information on food recipes. It is hard to find "pure" Polish courts. Many countries and cultures influenced our food (for example, countries like Germany, France, Italy, the Oriental countries, etc.). Typical Polish cuisine is associated with the Slavic countries.

I would like some information about the history of Polish> Food Recipes. Our cuisine is considered to be so spicy, with lots of meat and porridge. Meals at this time also enjoys a lot like pepper, nutmeg and other types of enjoy it. They were very popular types of foods and ingredients, many years ago, such as honey, beets and peas. The people drank beer, honey and wine, which was imported from Silesia and Hungary. Queen Bona Sforza had a great influence on the Polish food recipes. She brought Italian cooksPoland. Polish food recipes have greatly changed.

I believe that these are the most important facts about the Polish food recipes and their history. I wish you a few examples of traditional Polish dishes. First, there is the Easter cake (lady) who came to Poland from Belarus and Lithuania. The next typical Polish dishes are red borscht (which came from Lithuania) and white borscht. Do not forget about gallimaufry. Many people think that it was invented byPoland, but this dish came from Poland and Lithuania. Typical dishes from Poland have been cooked with butter, Polish pike-perch, and boiled potatoes, and therefore the shaft.

Now, we can not talk about Polish cuisine uniform, because there different customs in different parts of Poland (it's called regional cuisine are). Regional Polish food recipes are becoming more popular in Europe. I hope they will be popular all over the world soon.

That's all I wantedwrite about the Polish cuisine. I think that examples of traditional Polish dishes and information about the story were interesting. I hope that you enjoyed reading this text. I will write more culinary items in the future.

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